Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Model UN

This is an essay I have recently prepared and have already used for a Position paper in the club Model UN. It was developed around the topics of Cyber-Warfare,Non-State Actors,and The Rise Of China.The paper for those of you that don't know is an essay resolving Model Un and I strongly advise you join it here is an example.

Sudan is the largest country in Africa, many of its dilemmas include terrorism. It was introduced to terrorism during the late 1990’s when Osama Binladin and his followers came to the country and built a training camp infrastructure.They also set up a business and finance network.To this day there is still terrorism in Sudan, the terrorist group SPLA has targeted civillian oil deposits,and have killed or severely injured many of its citizens.

Topic I: Emergence of Non-State Actors in Developing Countries
In rural locations many terrorist’s take form as they spread destruction and chaos throughout the country or region. This mostly occurs in developing countries because they don’t have a strong Military to fight and abolish terrorism.These developing countries have suffered through many targeted attacks of terrorism

In Sudan it is said to have financed terrorism extensively during the late 1990’s, this is true because it sponsored Osama Bin Laden from 1991-1996. Ever since then Sudan has been on the U.S. State Department list of sponsored terrorists since 1993.  After the incident of 9-11 Sudan communicated with the U.S. about counter-terrorism. To help the U.S for counter-terrorism Sudan provided intel on Al-Qaeda and cut communications with other opposing terrorist groups. After establishing a positive relationship with the United States they have been redeemed from the list of countries who were inactive in the fight against terrorism.
Developing nations tend to have a disadvantage because they are much more weaker and have a much more fragile government than developed nations. These factors contribute to Terrorist groups invading weak territories as they will be suffering from a lack of organization.This type of society would stand as a great opportunity for other terrorist groups to invade.This oppose to the strong developed countries is a great contrast.As most developed countries have had years of expirience with dangers.
The black market has a great impact on Sudan since their is no official currency there is more fraud and illegal activity.Which leads to a weak government that can't sustain a stable system of trade and unity. A weak government would eventually lead to no control over the nation which lead to an easy access for Terrorists to invade and cause mass destruction.Also the War on Terror is a substantial war which contains many attacks.The distribution of the black market goods is a very easy way for terrorists to get ahold of certain weapons.
Combating terrorism within a countries borders is a struggle for many countries.In under developed territories the UN should send aid such as supplies,food,and possibly some military for defense purposes. These supplies would give developing countries an opportunity to replenish on food and give chances to rebel against the unknown terrorists. Also this aid would provide food for families who can not afford food or find water.
Topic II: The Rise of China
The Rise of China is a very important and concerning issue today. This is important because it emphasizes the danger of if China rises to much power.China right now is greatly increasing in goods and other products.China as of now has the greatest population of any country of 3.357 billion people.This indeed could play a major factor in its economy and uprising.China’s growth and prosperity is viewed in 2 major ways.One of which considers China as a growing threat to themselves and their nation.Others belive that China’s success is natural and that there is space in the economy for growth.
Sudan might support the growth of China due to its low supply in goods such as water,food,and other essential needs for life.Sudan could vastly benefit from the aid of China as it is great producer for goods and other products.So with the help of China,Sudan may regain controll and get a stable government, and this would help the government to abolish terrorism..Also it will end the current anarchy in the goverment and certain terrorist groups in control.This would make it technically a threat to Sudan if someone attacked China as it is one of their main resources.
China's upcoming rise in political and economic advances has been a highly conflicting topic.Many delegates from the United Nations have been bickering about this topic and 2 specific sides have been created.The sides have contradicting beliefs on China's uprising.That either it is harmful to the world,or this lead can benefit the earth by providing resources and advancements in helping world peace, extending what we know about the universe.China in the past has helped with attacks and has been a very sufficient resource in wars for the countries in need.So most people would refer to this increase in power as a great thing for the world and other countries in peril.Also any individual that believes Chinas uprising is bad China is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council so they are  restricted by our rules.
I thinks China’s interests overlap with other nations because China wants to keep a basis of keeping peace within it’s border and neighboring countries.This idea is shared by many nations around the world.China has recently become more closely involved with the United Nations and is executing many peace operations.Though China also has separate personal interests it hopes to gain such as it would like to possibly take over Japan's oil deposits.Also islands owned by Japan were locations that Chinese war ships headed to.Also China seems to have many peculiar core interests as it has recently tried to stop all weapon trade to Taiwan.These core interests have leaned toward more war strategic ideas.Although China is in a great relationship with the UN so there is very little chance of predicting what will happen.
The United Nations has much power over China as they have to the authority to veto any member of the United Nations Security Council if they conduct any negative votes on a resolution.Also China is restricted by certain standards to conduct any risky activity,like building a exponentially large army or sending Nuclear weapons of mass destruction into space.The actions that China takes can also not be fully controlled by the UN and they could only monitor the situation carefully.
Topic III: International Cyber Security
In many developed countries cyber-warfare is a huge predicament. This is an important topic because as the world becomes more emerged in technology.Crime and terrorism will also evolve. In this case it appears in the form of Cyber-warfare. Cyberware is acting through internet based conflict. It can include many things such as disabling websites and networks, also stealing confidential data and even weakening financial systems. Cyber Warfare doesn’t affect every country.Many developing countries don’t have very advanced technology to be involved in cyber warfare.
Sudan is one of the many underdeveloped countries which suffer from lack of any technology or cyber-warfare.So far this disadvantage has been positively and negativley effecting the country.As due to rare amounts of technology it is very hard for Sudan to keep up with cyber-warfare they cant hack computers to gain intel and many devices unknown to them could easily be used by terrorists.Though this absence of technology could be helpful as since computers are very rare.Terrorists cant hack into the database to get intel,as most of their information is probably written through pen and paper.
Cyber-warfare over the last decades has advanced significantly and crime along with it has changed.Most crimes nowadays happen at stock markets and computers by stealing your credit card information/money.As all the technology grows around many developing countries are left behind as they don't have a stable government yet or electricity.These developing countries could “keep up” by providing internet to the most rural locations in their territory. This will not only provide support the families by connecting them to the modern world but also, this will give them more opportunities to evolve and get better civilizations.
For the UN to regulate cyber-warfare is very difficult, this requires monitoring 24/7 which can be very expensive to do. Also if one country had a predicament with cyber-warfare, there would be nothing the UN can do because it’s the country's opinion where or not to continue the war or not.Many countries also do hacking and other cyber related things confidentiality, which leads to theUN not knowing anything so then they can’t do anything. In the mere future maybe the world will evolve so that cyber warfare can be stopped.

Cyber-Warfare is very unique to other possible threats to countries.As Cyber-Warfare is comepletely different as when technology advances Cyber-Warfare will advance.Also this type of warfare could be done from anywhere around the world,but still affect anyone.This type of attack is much more efficient as you can target almost anybody.Other various methods of security threats have to be followed through by humans which could be easily comprimised. Even the U.S director of Intelligence has placed Cyber-Warfare as the highest known threat for this year.So overall Cyber-Warfare is a convenient way for hackers to threaten lives of people half-way across the world.

You guys seem to like this in maybe 2 weeks I will have made another one.

Stay Happy :)

Please No Plagiarism

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