Monday, March 28, 2016

Friedrich Story Line

Friederich by Peter Hans Richter

Friedrich is a young Jewish boy who lives in a 3 story apartment in Germany during Hitlers reign.This story mainly is taken from the narrators point of view,and shows the persecution of Jews and how it effected them.Friedrich due to rules is banned from most movie theaters and swimming pools and is no longer trusted.He also has to move to a Jewish school.A angry mob of attackers comes and pillages his house eventually killing his mother.Due to this his father is fired and is in a depression.After a few years Friedrich finds a girlfriend Helga,whom he loves but has to stop seeing her as to save her from the concentration camps.Friedrich and his father are forced to do whatever to earn money and hide away a rabbi in their house.When Friedrich isn't there they arrest his father and the rabbi. Now Friedrich lives in hiding.During a air raid Friedrich begs to be let in or he will die.In the end he must go.Friedrich dies from a piece of shrapnel.

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