Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Comparison Of 2 Texts

CT 7.1.2:Write an essay comparing how a fictional text and a non-fictional text portray the same subject
Comparison of Two Texts

        In the fictional poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus and in the non-fictional text “The Melting Pot” by Anna Quindlen,both authors depict immigration in America though in different ways.Lazarus claims in her poem that everyone is welcome to America and that it is the home of the free.Quindlen agrees with this statement that all are welcome,but the system is more intricate,so it will take time and trust to adapt and gain a pleasant life.The Statue of Liberty is a magnificent symbol for immigrants to see as they first come to America.It is structurally built on its pedestal in Ellis island as a gift from France.”The Melting Pot” however, is a text describing how Quindlen's neighborhood is experiencing countless changes as the result of the many new immigrants.

        “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus describes how America is Welcome to all when she writes”Send these,the homeless,tempest-tost to me”.”The New Colossus also known as The Statue of Liberty stands in New York as a recent version of The Colossus of Rhodes and how they differ.Also Lazarus states “From her beacon-hand glows world wide welcome”,this displays how The Statue of Liberty radiates a sense of welcoming.Additionally it shows how people from all around the world no matter race or background may come here.The line that talks about the homeless is portraying how America will allow even the exiles and rejected homeless beings a place of refuge.Lazarus claims that The Statue of Liberty shows that America is welcome to all regardless of one's past.

          Although,”The Melting Pot” by Anna Quindlen depicts how Quindlen’s neighborhood was impacted and immigration caused many diverse changes.This is a fictional text consists Quindlen's neighborhood,and how it was impacted from immigration.Such as when Quindlen writes “The Butcher whose old shop is now an antiques store sits day after day outside the pizzeria here like a lost child.”This indicates how because of new immigrants and America's sense of welcoming.The butcher experienced a shift in customers,so he had to sell it to fit their needs.Also this is described when Quindlen states “I stood and smiled as the seedy bar at the corner was transformed into a slick Mexican restaurant.” As stated in this context the narrator is speaking of how a seedy bar became a Mexican restaurant,in behalf of the recent change in clients.Also due to new immigrants with more money the seedy bar must have been sold or for others tatse.So overall Quindlen claims that,due to the new immigrants which come here in hope of a new life.America's own glow of welcome is bringing about much change and impact to its original citizens.

         Overall the fictional text “The New Colossus” and the non-fictional text “The Melting pot portray the same statement.That clearly all are welcome to America inadvertent of their race or past experience and that it is a great place to live.Change comes hard in America and when it does it takes much time,trust,and effort to accustom to this and to lead a pleasant life.
Please No Plagiarism

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